Other LSU Service Opportunities
See below for the many opportunities for LSU students to fulfill their commitment to community.
Service Opportunities for LSU Students
CCELL: Enroll in a course and earn credit while serving with class (service-learning)
- Contact: Dr. Sarah Becker, sbecker@lsu.edu
- Website: www.lsu.edu/ccell
Greek Life: Volunteer with Greek organizations
- Contact: Office of the Dean of Students, greeks@lsu.edu
- Website: www.lsu.edu/greeks
Campus Life: Campus service opportunities with student organizations
- Contact: Caleb Wells, cwells11@lsu.edu
- Website: www.lsu.edu/campuslife
Ogden Honors College LASAL Program
- Contact: Dr. Granger Babcock, fbabco1@lsu.edu
- Website: www.lsu.edu/honors/academics/lasal-scholars