Our partnership with LSU is our best way to fight back on a scope and scale commensurate with the toll cancer takes on the citizens of Louisiana.

Dr. John Heaton, President and Chief Medical Officer at LCMC Health

Scholarship First on Tour

On the Road to Scholarship First

LEARN MORE ABOUT LSU’s Scholarship First Agenda

Recent Issues

Research is everywhere, and lives depend on it. In this issue, explore five projects based on LSU research and service to the state. From helping kids in crisis to improving dementia care, LSU improves lives.

Walking into uncharted territory takes preparation, commitment, and guts. In this issue, meet five LSU students who are first on the field in research and service to Louisiana. From agriculture to energy to health, the statewide university develops leaders in every field.

Being competitive and working as a team is not only paramount in athletics. It is just as important in research. In this issue, learn how LSU teams are improving lives for people in every parish in Louisiana and everywhere, from better food and better health to being more secure in our homes, in energy and in cyber.

LSU builds teams that win, including in energy. Learn how LSU built a statewide team to go after the largest National Science Foundation award in history—NSF Engines—and won, having recently secured an Economic Development Administration Tech Hubs designation for the state and more.

It’s cybersecurity awareness month and LSU is on the frontier of the fight against cyberattacks on schools, state and local government, our military, critical infrastructure, industry and small businesses and residents across Louisiana, all while becoming the best in educating cyber talent.

LSU is a talent development engine for Louisiana. Meet seven LSU alumni who are leaders and innovators in their fields and changing lives throughout the state.

LSU works for Louisiana every day

Healthy Communities

Denise Mayon and children at the J.S. Aucoin Elementary School in Amelia, Louisiana, show off carrots they harvested in the school garden that LSU AgCenter extension agent Jessica Randazzo helped create.

Read about LSU’s Healthy Communities initiative
LSUS Human Performance Lab

The new LSUS Human Performance Lab can analyze a person from a physiological, biomechanical, and cognitive perspective.

Read about the LSUS Human Performance Lab
Andre Rovai

Andre Rovai is a research scientist in the LSU Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences. Photo courtesy of AP/Gerald Herbert.

Read more about how LSU works with NASA to foretell the fate of the world’s deltas
Paul South

LSU scientist Paul South with test plants in the field.

Read more about how LSU re-engineers photosynthesis to feed our future planet
LSU graduate students at the PERTT lab

The LSU Petroleum Engineering Research & Technology Transfer (PERTT) lab is an on-campus industrial-scale facility to simulate oil and gas drilling and production operations.

Read more about the LSU PERTT lab