Key Request Policy

Per PS-49, the Building Coordinator is responsible for building security.  They will maintain a record of all building keys issued, both entrance and room keys, and review and approve requests for issuance of keys. Building Coordinators must obtain all keys in the possession of persons no longer authorized to have them. They must also report violations of building security to the LSU Police and/or Facility Services.

All key requests are to be requested through the building coordinator of the building from which a staff member is requesting a key.  The Building Coordinator will approve and enter the request through the  work order tracking system. All Master and sub-master keys require the Key Request Form attached to the work order.  Keys may not be ordered by phone.  There is a charge for each key made, so an account number must be included with the key request.

Facility Services will notify the Building Coordinator when the keys are ready to be picked up. Please immediately verify that the key works.  If there is an issue, please return the key to Facility Services and bring a copy of a working key, so that a key can be cut off of the working key. Keys can be picked up at Facility Services in Room 120 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.